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Toma Tasovac


  • Capturing, Modeling and Transforming Lexical Data: An Introduction

    This course will introduce the theories, practices, and methods of digitizing legacy dictionaries for research, preservation and online distribution by focusing on the process of converting paper-based dictionaries to electronic format through image capture, text capture, data modeling and data enrichment.
  • Introduction to Dictionaries

    The goal of this course is to introduce a brief history of dictionaries as tools for the organization of knowledge about words and their meanings, and to analyze different ways of understanding and classifying the dictionary genre.
  • Extracting Lexical Data: XPath for Dictionary Nerds

    XPath (XML Path Language) is a standard query language for selecting nodes from XML documents. In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to write XPath expressions in order to navigate around our XML-encoded dictionaries and select only those bits of data that you are interested in.
  • Digitising Dictionaries

    This course is an introduction to the theories, practices, and methods of digitizing legacy dictionaries for research, preservation and online distribution. It focuses on a particular technique of modeling and describing lexical data using eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative, a de-facto standard for text encoding among humanities researchers.